
the blog of three singaporean girls as they embark on their journeys in faraway lands


Heidelberger Herbst


Being somewhere where it isn't summer the whole year round really makes the passing of time feel more real. Leaves grow, flowers bloom, flowers dry, leaves die. And it's a year gone by.

Went hiking/hill climbing with my house-mates last week to get closer to autumn. It felt really great to be on a hill looking over the city and sitting on the grass high up a hill and far away, and just let time pass.

But it was freezing cold! Brrrr. It was already cold at normal ground level, but up on a hill it was worse because it was, well, high up, and the wind blew so strongly that i feel i could just let go, relax, and fly with the wind!

Have a great week ahead peopleee! (:

i haven made any ang moh frens la.. see 5 days in school and i ostro myself already.. sigh shouldnt continue on the ostro tradition la.. i feel very ugly all of sudden (i dunno why im typing this hope not alot of ppl see it) and fat.. ahhh the loneliness of it all! shhueli get ur internet up here quick den we can chat with this blog (:


Chernchern, how are u doing in Manchester? Got shuai angmohs? Heehee.

Shueli, are u done with packing already? I think u're flying tomorrow right? Have a safe trip!

I've started with orientation and a bit of lessons already. Today is national day and so we've got no school or lessons! Oh my goodness..there's going to be lots of math and physics for this semester! I'm so going to dieeeee. =x They never spread the math and physics across the 3 years! I realise I've forgotten all the math we've learnt last year alr..

And oh man, teenagers talk super fast! Just like how we talk. But thing's that this is Germany and so they talk very fast in German then I cannot catch! I can understand adults more than I can understand people my age! I'm so going to be ostroed! =X Then got this shuai angmoh who's quite friendly and who talked to me quite a few times, BUT I don't understand half the things he says! AHHH so sad!! =(
oh my

wah this is so cool!! lalala we can talk rubbish here! ahhh im leaving this sunday night! got so mcuh stuff i need to buy still.. humph must print alot of photo's also so that i can stick there on the wall!!! heard the dorms are very gloomy so must spice it up with ur photo's!!!

i shall go slp now blog later when i got more stuff to talk

i miss kityeng and shueli :(


hellloooo friendss! hello kityeng and yingcherrnnnn! hahaha so funny! yayy we can chat here!

haha dunno what to write alr haha we shall all contribute to this blog actively yea! haha

have a nice day everybody! :D hahahahaha